
Friday 30 September 2016

UCAS Personal Statements

All this information has been given by UCL, if you tutors or teachers say something diferente listen to them, this is just went as a guideline.

Here is what you want to do:
·         Be realistic in what you are putting down and don’t lie, they will find out.
·         Be aware of additional requirements, some courses want extra tests to get onto them.
·         Visit the universities that you want to go to and ask questions.
·         In the personal statement use all the space available.
·         And finially check carefully for spelling or grammar errors; get over people to look it over for you.
Now want you don’t want to:
·         Don’t apply for completely different courses.
·         Don’t forget the deadline, 15th of January, Cambridge I think is in October. Just don’t miss them.
·         Also don’t apply to the same Uni more than twice; you only have five slots, so use them carefully.

On your statement they are looking for, an interest and motivation to study that subject, an understanding of the degree and transferable skills, so included something that shows these in your statement.

Finally, how to structure it. To start you only have 47 lines or 4000 characters, which is not a lot to sell yourself in. (Up to this point is just over that.) The structure we were told to use was, 75% why you want to study that degree and the last 25% is extra activities that make you suitable for that course and what sets you apart. You are going to want to have an introduction that that’s why you want the place and then the main body of around five paragraphs with your experiences, interests and other things that you think are needed, and last you should have a conclusion that’s memorable and recaps why you want the place.

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