
Sunday 14 August 2016

Road trip to Portugal

So my dad had this crazy idea of driving to the South of Portugal from Oxfordshire, just below the middle of England. It was me, my dad, granddad and brother and sister. It was very long and tiring but also very good and the scenery was just so beautiful.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Tae Kwon-Do/ Any Other Sport with Hearing Aids.

First thing make sure your instructor knows that you have hearing difficulties, after telling him this my instructor (Lets call him Mr Sabum, his wife is Mrs Sabum) said that if I had any problems hearing him them I had to raise my right hand and cup my left ear with my left hand to let him know that I could not hear him.

The second thing is when wearing a helmet it is not always possible to wear hearing aids, as they may not fit comfortably under the helmet or could get damaged if you fall and hit your head or get punched. You can wear them if you think it will be okay but I personally do not wear mine when I'm sparing. When I'm sparing I make sure that my instructor and partner knows that I'm not wearing my hearing aids. When sparing make sure you watch your partner if they stop and make sure that you can see your instructor to know what to do next.

Finally if you are at a grading let the grading examiner know that you have problems hearing and what they can do to help you, for my grading we are shown the action that they want us to do as they tell us, for example if they want us to do an inner forearm block they show the action as well. If your grading has a spoken section feel confident to ask them to repeat the question if you are not confident that you heard it correctly. 

Saturday 6 August 2016

Thursday 4 August 2016

Mi introdciol an espanol

Quería probar a escribir una introducción en español, si hay algún error por favor dígame.
Hola, mi nombre es Erin, tengo 16 años y tengo la pérdida auditiva moderada, también tengo dislexia.

Quiero escribir este blog para compartir mis experiencias de ser sordos así como algunos de mis propios escritos.