
Saturday 6 August 2016

South West Every Deaf Child Matters Conference

This is what I wrote about the South West Every Deaf Child Matters Conference

On the 9th of June I went down to Exeter with another girl from the YAB for the South West Every Deaf Child Matters Conference where we heard a lot of people talk and even gave our own presentation as well. It was a really good day even though it was a really long day.

The first session was about deaf young people being heard and our rights as being deaf, like the anti discrimination laws and the EHC Plan. We also heard other deaf young people share their experiences. At the end of this session we talked on our tables about the issues that young deaf people face and how we could solve that. We were then given food and refreshments.

In the second session it was all about empowering young deaf people, this is the part that we spoke in, we talked bout what the YAB does and how we good involved, it was a really great experience then we heard a person form Fixers talk about their organisation and giving young people voices the final part of the second session was about emotion coaching and we got to watch part of the Inside Out film an talked about different emotions and mixes of emotions. We then had lunch.

The next session was all about giving young deaf people access to equipment and information, Molly Watt talked about her own experiences being deaf blind and we also talked about the skills we would need later in life.

The last session was about empowering deaf young people and about preparing for life after school and moving on to go to adult audiology and doctors and the challenges that would come with that. We heard for 3 young deaf people who talked about going to university and what their different experiences were like.

It was a really fun day and there was a lot of great information and lots of different ideas.

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